Witch and Famous

eBook - Witch Way Librarian Mysteries

Erschienen am 26.07.2022, Auflage: 1/2022
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9781496728791
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 304 S.
Format: EPUB
DRM: Adobe DRM


For a tiny town, picturesque Wilfred, Oregon, has everything, including an impressive library housed in a Victorian mansion, a touch of magic in new librarian and fledgling witch, Josie Way, a visiting movie starand a curious tendency toward murder . . .
Josie and all of Wilfred are buzzing with excitement. A-list movie star Daphne Morris has chosen to interview Roz, assistant librarian and novelist, for her book club. But when the glamorous actress quickly charms both Rozs long-time love and sheriff Sam, the object of Josies unrequited affection, Josie turns to the whispers from her beloved books for ideas on revising the plot. Yet soon theres another twist . . .
At a party to celebrate the interview, Daphnes personal chef is found dead in a scene that all too closely echoes one in Rozs novel. Its clear to Josie that someones idea of a happy ending means framing her friend. Shell have to read between the lines with the help of the librarys enchanted stacks, guidance from her magical grandmothers letters, and her cat familiar, Rodney, to solve this murder before someone decides to stage a deadly sequel . . .
Praise for Angela M. SandersSeven-Year Witch

A really lovely follow-up to the Witch Way Librarian Mystery series debut. A solid treat.
Criminal Element

Full of false leads and truly surprising reveals, this terrifically plotted mystery is hard to put down.

This cozy mystery has the right balance of suspense and quirky, small-town humor.
Library Journal

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