PEACH - Intelligent Interfaces for Museum Visits

eBook - Cognitive Technologies

Erschienen am 26.05.2007, Auflage: 1/2007
111,95 €
(inkl. MwSt.)


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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9783540687559
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 318 S., 31.35 MB
Format: PDF
DRM: Digitales Wasserzeichen


Personal Experience with Active Cultural Heritage, PEACH, is a large, interdisciplinary development project that explores the use of novel technologies for physical museum visits. Led by teams from ITC-irst, Trento and DFKI, Saarbrücken, the research is at the forefront of work on intelligent user interfaces, but also covers other areas of artificial intelligence, microsystems and human-computer interaction.

This book is structured into 13 chapters, including reports on mobile guides, infrastructure and user modeling, the use of stationary devices, collaborative storytelling, 3D modelling, evaluation and usability, and future perspectives.

The book editors and authors are leading experts on the underlying AI technologies and their application, and no other book has comparable technical insight and breadth. It represents a coherent survey of the relevant technologies and environment, and will be of benefit to AI researchers engaged with interface design, and practitioners in the area of cultural heritage support and marketing.


Intelligent Mobile Guides.- Adaptive Multimedia Guide.- Cinematographic Techniques for Automatic Documentary-like Presentations.- Detecting Focus of Attention.- Report Generation for Postvisit Summaries in Museum Environments.- Infrastructure and User Modelling.- Delivering Services in Active Museums via Group Communication.- User Modelling and Adaptation for a Museum Visitors Guide.- Stationary Devices.- Integration of Mobile and Stationary Presentation Devices.- Children in the Museum: an Environment for Collaborative Storytelling.- Virtual Reconstructions and Simulations.- Photorealistic 3D Modelling Applied to Cultural Heritage.- Tracking Visitors in a Museum.- Evaluation and Usability.- Evaluation of Cinematic Techniques in a Mobile Multimedia Museum Guide Interface.- Innovative Approaches for Evaluating Adaptive Mobile Museum Guides.- Future Research.- Intelligent Interfaces for Groups in a Museum.

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