Kpewi Durorp

eBook - Language of the Bororp of the Korup ethnic group

Erschienen am 17.07.2014, Auflage: 1/2014
35,95 €
(inkl. MwSt.)


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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9789956792030
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 124 S.
Format: PDF
DRM: Adobe DRM


Kpewi Durorp is the third attempt at bringing Durorp into the public domain, and is a more detailed introduction to the language. It contains sixteen chapters which address important elements of grammar, with some including mini bilingual dictionaries, with words organised not alphabetically but thematically, with the singular aim of facilitating learning and easy acquisition of the language. Durorp is an interesting and linguistically distinct semi-Bantu or Bantoid language spoken by a minority group of people known as Bororp or people of the Kororp ethnic group. A part of this ethnic group inhabits the Southwestern part of Cameroon while the other occupies the Southeastern tip of Nigeria. A minority group, Kororp has continued to suffer not only cultural and socio-economic shrinkage but also linguistic marginalisation characterised by an obvious erosion of some key elements of the language. Like any other language, however, Durorp has borrowings from languages such as Efik, Ejagham, and even English. There is a Durorp-English Dictionary to facilitate the development of Durorp vocabulary (Langaa, 2013).

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